Tuesday, February 2, 2010

loco, y not so loco

When we first got ourselves into this whole expedition, it seemed a little crazy. And, when a friend in Berkeley said he was gonna go to South America and just travel, it seemed un poco loco too. When I mentioned our trip to anyone, there was always a short pause of, hmmm what the f?? awesome, they might say, but why? Some might say it didn't make much sense.
Now that I'm here, I can say that this makes more sense than anything I can think of.
There is absolutely no price on a little, or a lot, of perspective.

Shayla and I have decided to move here permanently and indefinitely.

JK. lol.

While this makes sense as a whole for us, there are things that don't make sense. Take for example, our dinner. A man obviously goes through great trouble to create the massive 'WANG CHUNG CHOW FUN' or whatever neon sign out front, in those Chinese letters, and inside, you get the full oriental experience. However, the same effort for the orient was not present in the FOOD. The mongolian beef was sliced beef in what could have been instant brown gravy mix. It said spicy on the menu, but if that was spicy, then that poor owners toungue will catch fire if he so much as looks at a red chili or sichuan.
The sushi last night was equally as disappointing. The salmon on the rolls was ok, but otherwise it was like what you'd get at a supermarket.
Maybe these were strokes of bad luck, but I doubt it. I'm gonna use one of my new little travel bottles (for shampoo etc) and fill it with Tapatio....remember how we brought a giant bottle? hehe. We're quite spoiled in California, as far as food goes (in plenty of other ways, too).
I'm excited to cook at home, once we get our place. Also, there are some more exotic foods at and around the central market, a friend at the hostel brought home a baggie of yellow peruvian sauce that looked good. Apparently Peru is an exception to the generally not-so-spicy South America.

ttyl, look for the pictures tomorrow!

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